Times-Call letter to the editor

Times-Call letter to the editor

The Times-Call invites readers to share their opinions, with a word maximum of 300 for each letter to our Open Forum and 700 for each guest opinion. Submissions that exceed maximums will be shortened. Each letter writer must provide their first and last name, and, for purposes of verification, each writer must provide an address and phone number. Guest opinion writers are asked additionally to provide an autobiographical statement that will publish with the opinion piece.

We do not publish anonymous letters, poetry, letters signed with pseudonyms, open letters, letters addressed to a third party or letters promoting a particular business or personal matter. We do not publish letters that are part of an organized effort to flood the newspaper with mail on a single topic. We allow for exchanges between writers but do not publish personal attacks. Submissions may be edited.

Frequency limits: We will publish a writer's next submission no sooner than seven days after the publication of a letter, and no sooner than 14 days after the publication of a guest opinion.

Submit your letter to the editor by completing the form below.


• We do not publish anonymous letters, poetry, letters signed with pseudonyms or letters addressed to a third party.

• For verification, include your address and daytime phone number (we do not publish them).

• All letters pertaining to candidates for office will be limited to 200 words. The deadline for submission of general election letters is 5 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to Election Day.

• Letter writers are limited to one letter per seven-day period.